One bad idea; The Nissan Murano Hybrid.

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A terrible idea.
Basically, it’ll cost $3000 more to gain about 4MPG.
26/30 vs 21/28 for the regular model.

We were all making fun of GM a few years ago when they were doing the same thing with their “mild Hybrid” models.
Charging around $3000 for it. Same stupid idea.
At least, GM learned from that mistake.

But not Nissan. You thought they did when they canceled the Hybrid version of the Pathfinder because no one was buying it.
(No one was stupid enough.)
But now they repeat the mistake by offering the same power train (The one nobody wanted) in the Murano.

How weird???

This was unveiled a while ago as a “China only” model. So I am not sure if the one sold here will be imported from China or not.
No matter what, there are supposed to be only about 600 of them in the US.

Another weird thing. Why even bother???

Conversation 3 comments

  1. Agreeing with you Vince. If it got in the 40's then it would make sense. But at 26/30 it is utter nonsense. Nissan is so lost that hardly anyone notices them anymore except for rental car sales.

  2. The Dodge Durango Hybrid of 6-8 years ago was a MUCH better idea — and we all know what a sales disaster THAT was!

  3. My concern is the car is beautiful but does not have a great tow capacity. How would I pull a small to medium travel trailer or even a boat? It does have this sad gas mileage, go figure, while the sales are down. I feel bad for it because it is a beautiful car, I love driving it but I don’t want to pay that much for it.

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