A Couple of Kias

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One more picture of the the Optima. This time with a shot of the Concept wagon/Suv/Minivan they presented last week in Germany.
Soon to be a production model.

Conversation 3 comments

  1. That was very thoughtful of the poster above to link to his extremely relevant blog. I look forward to getting dozens of “no credit check loans” so that I can buy 46 Kia Optimas. In fact, I will intentionally ruin my credit so that I may take advantage of his/her services. Thank you, whoever you are.

  2. the first comment was actually a spam message and not posted by a person. comments like that one are going everywhere these days.

  3. I noticed that on the 1st pictures I posted of that car weeks ago. I’ve never seen anyone else (until now) mention it.
    It seems like a major mistake. I have no idea how that can get around the fact that the hatch is completly exposed to any small impact….

    Sorry about the spam. I get about 2 or 3 every day on this site, and try to delete then ASAP. But I was late on this one.
    It just started a few weeks ago…

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