2007 Chrysler Aspen
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Not much to say…
What do you expect when you make a Chrysler SUV out of a Dodge Durango, and don’t want to spend money on a new design.
It looks horrible. Even worse than the Durango.
Where are all the great Chrysler designers from a few years ago????
blah! I just threw up a little…
what is this Envoy wannabe?
*Threw up a little more*
what is this Envoy wannabe?
*threw up a little more*
It is better looking than the Durango.
too much over confidence
That front clip is just fowl. What’s up with the effed-up grill and headlight design?
So is that 3 ugly cars from DCX now? The Calibur interior, the Imperial, and now this monstrosity are just horrible looking vehicles. It is amazing that someone was actually able to make the Durango look WORSE.
At least they didn’t screw the pooch on the Challenger and Wrangler.
the hood looks too short. From the windshield, I like it. The rear looks like a minivan, its very blocky, it would be nice to have the rear glass taper back on a slant… Also, those roof rails look crappy.
i agree think looks horrible worse than the durango the lines just dont match. the grill doesnt go with the rest of the cars rounded/bloated body, the boat lines on the hood dont go, and the lines just dont work… horrible job chrysler and what is this suppose to compete with
it’s suppose to compete with Durango of course! Yeah I think all the designers left…see the Jeep Grand Cherokee and the Compass and Patriot, yikes!
As if the Aspen name was worth reviving. A POS by any other name…