All new Camaro really coming!
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Here is what they say:
“The all-new Camaro will begin with early production versions at the end of 2008 and will go on sale in the first quarter of 2009. “The new Camaro will be almost identical to the concept, a thoroughly modern interpretation of the 1969 model, considered by many to be the best design of the car’s first generation,” said Ed Welburn, GM’s global vice president of design, who owns a 1969 Camaro SS. The front-engine, rear-wheel-drive sport coupe will feature an independent rear suspension, and will be offered in a variety of models with the choice of manual and automatic transmissions and V-6 and V-8 engines.”
That car has such few distinct design and syling areas. It just has over-blown sport proportions and stance to it.
YAWN!!! BORING!!!! Yet another american manufacturer trying to milk one more “retro” design because they are incapable of forging new ground into the future. Sad sad sad.
The genuinely terrific thing about a car as awesome as the Camaro, and particularly this one, is that you don’t have to worry when you buy one that you’ll be driving the same car as some self-important pseudo-intellectual dipsh** who needs a Lexus to prove to his neighbors how sophisticated he is, or some tree-hugging socialist who thinks thirty grand is a fair price for a glorified modern-day Tercel that runs on batteries and by all rights should blow soap bubbles out of the tailpipe. This car, and ones like it, are *exactly* the kind of cars GM needs right now… bold, uniquely American designs that evoke passion among people who actually like American cars. It’s too retro, it’s too wide, it’s too little too late… shut up! After years with no good choices, there are finally going to be like 3 or 4 cars on the market that American car enthusiasts can buy and enjoy… not everyone drools over your M3… get over it already.
Too little too late
full sized hotwheel
it does have great proportions and stance to it. but i really don’t like the inset grille/headlight treatment.
i think it’s perfectly fine for the camaro (and mustang) to draw upon their pasts for style. the new infiniti g35 coupe is already doing it
and i believe it’s a modern classic in terms of exterior design.
Yawn! Boring! Yet another person complaining about retro designs..even when they look good. I bet you think the cars that Toyota and Hyundai are designing are ground breaking. Yeah.. just look at those beatiful 12inch tires and jelly bean styling. Add a 110 Hpr engine and you’ve got a winner right?
Good for GM. It’ll be great having another American performance coupe to go along with the Mustang and Challenger. Not everyone stays awake at night worrying about MPG, wanting to drive around in a 3-cyl baby shoe. And BTW, but exactly what is the Japanese manufacturer’s excuse for their dull and boring designs?
I dont care what it looks like my daddy had one and I am getting one I just wish they would make up there minds on a premier date make one drop top convertable and leather interior for me…………………
Please…you people think this “New Camaro” will save GM???? It will be a total piece of junk…just like everything else that GM makes. It will have an old engine design…old technology inside and out…poor reliability…and even worse resale. GM is sinking and if they don’t turn their thinking around there is nothing they can do about it.
This car, and ones like it, are *exactly* the kind of cars GM needs right now…
GM needs volume sales of mainstream cars that don’t guzzle gas like a NASCAR fan does cheap beer.
…bold, uniquely American designs that evoke passion among people who actually like American cars.
LOL! You drank the Kool-Aid, dude.
Hey, it’s fine if you like the Camaro, and it’s fine if some people don’t. If you’re typical of a Camaro buyer, god help this country.
with Mustang and Challenger, I think this one is the real winner.
with Mustang and Challenger, Camaro is the real winner…but I think GM need to hurry up the production.
The way the economy is going in the U.S. these days and the trend of companies restructuring, downsizing, merging and giving up on platforms to suit the needs of themselves(profits)and not the buying public, by the end of 2008 GM will be a whole different breed of animal than it is today!!!! Let’s not hold our breath just yet! A mass produced Camaro at best will be a long-shot!!!!
ooh, another retro mobile for mid-life crisis dudes, great!
I guess this is one of the effects of the retiring baby boomer generation, huh?
I heard it will come fully equipped with some arthritis pills..
I like the design except for the grill, which looks cheaper than something that would come off a Geely.
I only wonder if by 2009 anyone will be looking for a big thirsty V8. Gas is bad enough at $3+ but what if it goes up to UK-like prices. We’re talking nearly $8 a gallon.
While the Camaro won’t sell enough units to really make a change in the overall sales of GM, it could bring people into the showrooms, possibly leading to the increased sales of other models, which by 2009 should be all redesigned.
This car is at least more modern looking while retaining aspects of the 69 Camaro. The Challenger looks almost like a carbon copy of it’s predecessor.
“…some self-important pseudo-intellectual dipsh** who needs a Lexus to prove to his neighbors how sophisticated he is, or some tree-hugging socialist who thinks thirty grand is a fair price for a glorified modern-day Tercel that runs on batteries and by all rights should blow soap bubbles out of the tailpipe.”
The above perfectly sums up the vacuous mindset of too many “car” people nowadays. To a lot of us, cars and driving are still, and always will be, fun. And that’s what we want from our cars. Cars like the Camaro fit that bill to a T.
With $4 and $5 gas coming, this will be a big loser. I don’t want one, and I don’t see any GM car I like, so why waste their energy on something that won’t have much of a market. I used to buy GM, but they have nothing of interest anymore.
“With $4 and $5 gas coming, this will be a big loser. I don’t want one, and I don’t see any GM car I like, so why waste their energy on something that won’t have much of a market. I used to buy GM, but they have nothing of interest anymore.”
My my autohistory, but you seem to think highly of yourself. Just because you don’t want a Camaro doesn’t automatically relegate it to loser status. A lot of people will want this car, even if gas goes to $4. Go to Europe where gas is a lot more expensive and see how many high performance cars – cars that get gas mileage comparable to what the Camaro will get – are on the road. It’s not stopping them, it won’t stop us.
In the Geriatric Olympics of retromobiles, this Camaro is FAR better executed than the ‘Stank. But it’s still the Geriatric Olympics, so they’re both using walkers, anyway.
A lot of people will want this car, even if gas goes to $4….it won’t stop us.
That’s the sad reality in this selfish world.
Next year, GM will introduce at least 9 hybrid vehicles. The Camaro, even in V-8 form, will get good gas milage. I was talking to a guy who owns a WRX and he was amazed that my GTO gets essentially the same milage as his Subaru. If you don’t like the Camaro or are in love with Japan, Inc. vehicles, you will never understand. Either way, the Camaro, with cylinder cut-off, should get 28 MPG on the freeway (assuming 350 HP).
28 MPG, with cylinder deactivation sounds good, but, RWD is not for me these days.We had a 77 Camaro, from 85-87. It was great , until it snowed , or rained like crazy.
Snow tires help,(in winter, but in summer, and you get these flash floods…. lol, watch out) but still aint’ as steady as the FWD cars.
When it snows here, the vehicles most likely to be on the news as single vehicle accidents are about tied: 4wd, and RWD.
Plus, who wants to pay for two sets of tires any more? I don’t, not when i drive 700 miles a week,a nd have to buy new(2 sets, regular and snow) every 2 years!
Great cars for straight-a-ways…. in curves, lol… I dont’ think so, not unless maybe they are AWD.
In 1977(sorry, I know, that was then…still) my neighbor ahd a Ford Torino(to us, it was their version of the Camaro, when we were young)…. I was with my neighbor and he was racing a friend of his, who had a Celica(I believe)….
as my neighbor found out, on the straight-a-ways, the Toyota(at the time) could not keep up. when we hit the ramps to get onto another hwy, he lost us!
To me, a car that can be fast and handle well in curves(and back roads) is more fun than a straight -roads-only(handler).
That’s just me, though.
Since when did a GM gas-hog reach or exceed EPA mileage statistics?
Next year, GM will introduce at least 9 hybrid vehicles.
Well, it’s not because GM cares so much about the environment, but because they’ve been one of the least efficient auto makers. Now they try to act like saints, and people like you rush to their defense.
Pahleeze. Spares us the melodrama.
The Camaro, even in V-8 form, will get good gas milage. I was talking to a guy who owns a WRX and he was amazed that my GTO gets essentially the same milage as his Subaru.
So your defense is “well, they’re doing it, too?”
Grow up.
If i could add one thing quick.
This s**t everyone talks about the concept of the new camaro “to little, to late.” I cannot in my right mind comprehend their reasoning. As another said, for all the tree hugging peace loving folks out there that are so concerned with hybrid cars, and protecting the earth lines are lame and they need to live a little. there to caught up in their damn cucumber and humis sandwhiches. There is nothing in GM’s plan stating that you hippies have to buy the car.
When i think of american auto’s i think of 3 major companies GM, ford, and dodge. dodge and ford have came out with their challangers and the mustangs but when GM trys to make a run at the game there seems to be a problem. idk about you but 28 mpg dosnt sound awful to me.
5 speed, Rear wheel drive machines with a big V8 and a bolt on supercharger whistling, thats what a car is. but you idiots would rather have some honda civic with a damn fart can hanging out the back that dosnt sound a lick better than a 100hp weed eater. how many people do that. i bet everyone can name atleast 2 people. i always laugh when i see that.
I love the luxery cars and all with this navigation and cameras so you can get 8 inches from a curb. and not to mention the quarter million dollar price tags i think you candy a** pencil pushers need to get your heads on strait.
Last thing i need to know is… what does it sound like over your little four banger when 400 horse power american force goes rawring by.
I bet it sounds alot like a trade in.
This is ok but why not just bring back the classic body styles and improve on the all around perfomance and gas milage.
all i have to say is this car is f***ing sick! and if you dont like it keep it to your tree hugging self cuz ur not changin enyones mind
all i have to say is this car is f***ing sick! and if you have a problem with it keep it to your tree huggin self cuz ur not changin enyones mind!
Who really cares about gas milage in a Camaro? if so there is a 6 cylender choice. but how come in jap cars you have stupid choices? Like a big or small 4 cylender. Plus support for GM would be grate. An old designs are perfect. I mean we are like it for its older plus a stock honda or toy of anykind doesnt stand a chance.
That car is awsome and I dont like cheverlet because I am a FORD man but that car is awsome, but I wonder if it is tough as the new 2010 Mustang.
40 to 50+ is great but the camaro is projected at 27mpg that is outstanding in a pure gas engine especially in a V8 .active fuel management people means that at cruising speeds it will get even better mileage!it is called middle ground not sacrificing speed for fuel economy or vice versa .And for you idiots that think retro is stupid look around you its not like modern is working out so well.
I would be more impressed if GM built that Hywire concept, or a hybrid even similar to the Prius, which sells 100,000+ units per year, and gets 45-55MPG, for alittle over 22K MSRP.I agree with some of the others about retro-car, baby -boomers(I just am at the very last year or tow of the “boom”, but have no interest in this).My father in law, turns 60(baby boomer)this year, and is awaiting to see if Hyundai builds a Hybrid Santa FE!He has no more interest in low MPG, RWD anything.And he drives 150 miles per day to work.Even Ford has a hybrid, the Escape! get with the program there, GM!Ford has Mustang and Escape Hybrid…what do you have? A concept car, that was never used. many out here think GM will have a car like this for sale, by 2010? Not unless it looks like a1940’s truck, or a 1969 sports car.the gas crunch is on now…. big time, and they waste their time pushing this through, before hybrids of any kind, or a clean diesel> roll eyes.
may have been hasty to flame GM (my last post about ford has mustang and hybrid escape, at least)….but if they cna build stuff like hywire concept, they could have probably tried something in the meantime,coudln’t they, to add MPG(40+ MPG) to their vehicles, vs “same old” stuff, let’s build retro for quick bucks.If they can move this forward(supposeldy, was not supposed to have been out until 09?)….then why not hybrids of some kind?
not everyone drools over your M3… get over it already.And nobody drools over your GM.
“not everyone drools over your M3… get over it already.And nobody drools over your GM.“so ur saying that noone drools over the Camaro, which B.T.W was NOT in ur stupid list of minivans and dodge pickups, i seen no chevys in there so anyway my point is unless you know what you’re talking about dont talk at all, once again this new camaro is gonna be the king of the streets, step aside buttstains…CHEVY POWER BABY!