Even more pictures of the new E series Ford Van!
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Everybody knows it’s a “workhorse”.
But it still didn’t need that obnoxious front end (the one a few posts below)
What it really needs is better crash protection.
And I’m not sure that was part of the “improvements” for next year ….
Four drink holders in the front? Is this for double-fisted, alcoholic drinkers? Maybe that’s all just part if the Econoline’s heritage (see wreck pictures).
Huh? Looks like this van is made of tin! It’s strong and sturdy appearance sure gives a false sense of security!
As expected…. no more than 10mph
lol, yeah, needs more cupholders in the front. Love the early 90’s Taurus dashboard by the way.
I agree re: the lack of crash protection, something this big should at least be able to take a hit. I had a friend in college with one of these monsters, which I drove once or twice, and you have to work to keep the thing on the road… I understand that it wasn’t engineered to be a sports car, but the handling was scary bad. No wonder so many of them end up on the news.
I’m not sure these pictures are good examples of poor crash protection. They both look like they were in pretty serious accidents.
Not sure what the crash photos are supposed to prove (aside from some sort of anti-Ford bias. How about some photos of trashed Toyotas and Hondas just to be fair?) since no details of the accidents are given. I can show a photo of a demolished tank and say its crash protection sucks, too.
vince, do you have pics of the seat configuration? i am curious to see if they are any improvement over the existing ones. thanks
Okay, if they changed the front end to look like the rest of the line up, why not change the rear as well. I mean, come on, why not at least a new set of taillights? And those wheels? Yuck! The dashboard looks ridiculous. I know there are people who still buy these in large numbers particularly for fleet purposes, but Ford could have put forth more effort here. Finally, the comment about making the roof stronger is very true. Please, please tell me that Ford cares about its consumers enough to help out (other than stability control).
Trucks do not have to meet the same roof crush standards as cars. Hence the photos. Yikes!
As someone who’s put 300,000 miles on 2 Ford E350 V10 models, I can tell you that don’t suck as badly as reported. Ford’s shortcoming is that they use the same wheelbase on both the regular and extended length vans and that added length hanging off the ass of the van throws the handling out of whack. Especially in the hands of lesser drivers like with schools and church groups. If you look at the GMC/Chevy vans, they extend the wheelbase on the longer models. We had a Dodge prior to the Fords and that bitch was a scary driver! We also tow a pretty heavy trailer which seems to balance out the imbalance of the extended length and that V10 can really haul. I can’t imagine any of those euro vans having the capabilities we require with their turbo diesel sixes.
I have a friend at a university and his school has stopped ordering 15 passengers because of insurance/safety concerns so now they have to takes 2 vans at times when one 15 passenger would do. We actually had to find a new insurance carrier when we were dropped because our insurer would no longer cover those vans.
I believe Ford is adding standard stability control to go along with the new nose but not much else. Everything looks the same as I’ve been staring at for almost 10 years now.
Ford vans (or any vehicle for that reason) don’t roll themselves. It’s the fault of the clueless, crappy driver behind the wheel.
these carash pictures aref fake ones
i will crash a ford van into a camry any day
“Ford vans (or any vehicle for that reason) don’t roll themselves. It’s the fault of the clueless, crappy driver behind the wheel.”
Have you ever driven an E-series? You could roll one over by hopping a curb at 5 mph…
“I have a friend at a university and his school has stopped ordering 15 passengers because of insurance/safety concerns so now they have to takes 2 vans at times when one 15 passenger would do. “
A lot of insurance companies require that the drivers of these vehicles have a commercial drivers license.
At least when the Pinto was rear ended, it would blow up in a ball of flames, E series occupants must endure a more painful demise.
Oh yeh for those of you who didn’t get past the 7th grade
Uninfluenced by emotions or personal prejudices: an objective critic. See Synonyms at fair 1.
Based on observable phenomena; presented factually: an objective appraisal
I think enterprise rent-a-car stops renting out these 12/15 passengers vans because of the roll-over concern. well at least in the washington dc area.
however you can rent these vans in orlando from other rental companies. we rented a ford 2 years ago for a disney trip. boy, it does suck but we squeezed in 14 people.
What can i say, it is vehicles like this and the reluctance to redesign something that’s already 10+ years old that have hurt ford’s reputation. It is quite apparent that to ford, facelifts are now “redesigns” and true redesigns come once every decade or so…
“I think enterprise rent-a-car stops renting out these 12/15 passengers vans because of the roll-over concern. “
I don’t know about Enterprise exactly, but it is difficult for people under the age of 25 to rent these. Some rental locations don’t rent them at all because they are often used as party buses. However, it’s not a problem to get a standard moving van of the same size.
these carash pictures aref fake ones
i will crash a ford van into a camry any day
1) Would you do it while both of them are turning at the same angle at the same speed? and
2) Would you really want to be in any car with an E-Series coming your way? It isn’t all about how safe it is for you, it also has to do with how safe others feel.
Seriously, the E-Series is safe for everyone, so long as it doesn’t turn.
Or run into a fly at 3 mph.
“The Ford E-350 has been the subject of several rollover safety warnings issued by the National Highway Traffic Safety Administration.”More here:And here:http://www.citizen.org/documents/NTSBLetter.pdfI guess that means the NHTSA is also “biased” against Ford…