Jay Leno’s garage

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Jay Leno’s garage is a true gold mine for anyone who loves car.
I haven’t had time to watch all the videos on the site (that could take a whole day) but I will.

Mr.Leno has to be one of the world’s greatest car fan.
This site is a treasure for anyone who loves cars, any kind of cars.

I have seen him many times at Bob’s big boy in Burbank and even talked to him when his 1912 Stanley Steamer was stuck in front of my friend’s house in Studio City a couple of years ago!
And he was a great guy.

to enter his garage.

By the way, this was a tip from a reader.
Many thanks!

Conversation 3 comments

  1. Jay Leno was a host for the Bay to Breakers foot race a number of years ago in San Francisco.

    A couple of nights before the race, I was on foot, approaching the door of my apartment building across the street from several popular restaurants. I saw Jay Leno walking toward me–he was alone and probably going back to his car after dinner.

    When I recognized who he was, I looked at him and said “JAY LENO!” and he walked over to me to shake hands while saying, “How are you,sir?” or other cordial greeting. I was a total stranger to him, of course.

    So, I agree: Jay Leno is a very pleasant man in addition to being a talented TV personality and car collector.

  2. I hate jay leno….his look, his voice, his demeanor and his boastful ways. There are many successful people that work for their money and have many cars, but don’t shove it in peoples faces…he must have grown up poor

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