Brilliance crash test video!
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This is even more shocking….
Also, check out the dummy’s head during the side impact.
I just don’t know who this car was even approved for sale in Europe in the 1st place…
Last Updated:
This is even more shocking….
Also, check out the dummy’s head during the side impact.
I just don’t know who this car was even approved for sale in Europe in the 1st place…
Does the chrobar and a crash ax come as standard equipment so you can get out of the car incase of a crash?
The inability for the Chinese to build a safe car or truck is going to keep them in the automotive third-world for a long time.
They actually wouldn’t be approved for sale, but Brillance uses a trick of single registering every car (not a generall approval), which is normally meant for kit cars and stuff, which meeans they don’t need to pass Euro NCAP tests. IMO a dirty trick, and everyone can see the result (ofcourse, no dealer would tell you about that)
Ha ha.. JM ,the Jaws of Life and sunroof package is optional!
I guess this what happens if a car is made out of tin foil.
Speaking of the sunroof, they probably did not reinforce the opening leading to a stress point. I don’t even think the old Isuzu Rodeo did this bad.
The force of impact as the dummy’s head slid around the airbag and stuck the left edge of the dashboard would be a fatal blow as well. While it is unacceptable for any car built anywhere today to fare so poorly in a carsh test, keep in mind that as recently as the early 90’s some American and Japanese cars did no better.
Just curious and maybe someone well versed with European safety law can chime in…
In the states, the gov’t does not crash test vehicles in the offset situation so almost every car for sale in the states get 4 or 5 stars out of 5 with the gov’t test. however the institute for highway safety (privately owned) tests the car similar to this european test and many of the cars that earned 5 stars in the gov’t test failed the institute test.
so, is this similar in europe? this test was not done by gov’t?
From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
The European New Car Assessment Programme (or EuroNCAP) is a car safety assessment programme founded in 1995 and supported by several European governments, many major manufacturers and motoring organisations across the world.
EuroNCAP publishes safety reports on new cars, and awards ‘star ratings’ based on the performance of the vehicles in a variety of crash tests, including front, side and pole impacts, and impacts with pedestrians.
it is partly gov’t,but,what most people dont know,the euro ncap has nothing in common with registering cars.for registering a car here in germany, a car has to pass a gov’t crash test,whih is similar to the EURO-NCAP test,but with lower speed (52kmh – EuroNcap 64kmh). And the Brilliance passed this test. The EuroNcap is only very important for the image — and you see how popular this test is …
Ahh I see. Thanks.
Here in the states, the gov’t test is also lower in speed plus a full impact into a barrier. The private institute tests at a higher speed and offset barrier crash (which is more real world situation).
so cars fare worse with the institute test. i am sure the chinese cars would have passed the gov’t test here with flying color too
May I add that US cars are not exactly known for their world famous road safety either? A chrysler galaxy or a PT cruiser ae not cars you want to be in when it crashes…. this two out, my friends. By the way, the NCAP is optional, but the ECE is mandatory. Do not get those two mixed up.