US Specs Fiesta test drive!

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These lucky guys have driven the new Fiesta and live to tell us about it.

I really can’t wait to see this car in the US. I saw a few last year in Europe, and they look great in person.
This will be a great car for Ford…

Click on the title for the whole thing.

Conversation 14 comments

  1. Seeing this Fiesta and the new Focus, it looks like Ford is really getting it. And unlike the Saturn Astra, having it built in Mexico ought to help keep it affordable for the consumer and not make it a money-loser for Ford too, as they won’t have to deal with the Euro.

    I really, really hope this is a huge success for them. The domestics have put so little effort in their small cars for so long that I just gave up on them altogether. They need to have quality products throughout the entire lineup.

  2. looks good. give the mini clubman a run for its money.

    the only drawback i could see it that it might only be bought by the ‘fast and furious’ crowd.

  3. What a glorious little car! I’m PRAYING that Ford doesn’t f**ck it up like they did the first U.S. Focus and put huge, diving board-like bumpers on both ends. It MUST retain that ultra lean and taught appearance to keep that Euro-magic. If they bring a Dura-Torq diesel with it, this car will be unstoppable.

  4. Vince,
    Any comments on differences in reliability and build quality for companies like VW that have manufacturing for identical products in Europe and Mexico?

  5. It’s really hard to figure out.
    The Passat is not built in Mexico has has had quite a few problems.
    Then you meet some people who never had anything wrong with their New Beetle..
    Who knows.
    Mercedes has had tons of electric/electronic problems in the past few years. None of these cars are made in Mexico.
    The Mexican built Ford Fusion seems to be one of the most reliable sedan on the market. From JD Powers.
    And I also know a few very happy owners.
    So again.. Who knows…

  6. Okay, let’s clear this one up very quickly.

    Where the vehicle is assembled makes NO difference. It is where the MAJOR COMPONENTS are assembled. Engine, transmission, trim, etc.

    It is just assembled (the parts are put together) in Mexico, mostly by machines.

    VWs made in Mexico are awful because of unreliable components, not fit and finish or actual assembly issues.

  7. Love the car, but the “futuristic” center stack is way overdone and will turn off a lot of buyers. I realize they are targeting a young market, but it looks cheap.

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