2010 Detroit Auto Show babes

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Is it me or they seem to all hate being there.
Most look bored out of their minds, and some look even pissed off.

Featuring a couple of fake smiles…

Conversation 8 comments

  1. Ever been in Detroit in January? Even if you live here it's pretty crummy, and I'm sure all these gals are used to living in LA or Tampa or someplace warm.

  2. Totally agree. I was there on Saturday and they look just as uninterested and pissed off in person. Oh well… they were hot, which I suppose is the only real qualification for the job!

  3. Is it me or they seem to all hate being there.
    Most look bored out of their minds, and some look even pissed off.

    F*ck 'em. It's because they are female. I never understood why they used pussy to sell cars. Men are more attractive anyway and appreciate automotive design better.

  4. I dont even know why they use these models anyways, most of them are not even atractive so what's the purpose

  5. heres what it is, they are all tasty food diamonds with a plethora of treats hiding under their dresses. their look proves they are obviously made for mating. that's why they are pissed, because they aren't doing what they are best at.

  6. You guys are nuts. The Detroit auto show has definitely increased the quality of their models. I'm used to seeing models in practical canvas sneakers and khaki mom pants looking like they came right from a suburban cul-de-sac. But they're actually good looking this year! Maybe it's because the Italians are running Chrysler. Let's let the italians take over the airline industry also. Our flight attendants could use a clean up also.

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