Honda Fit Shuttle
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The Fit will be getting a wagon version soon.
Who knows…
This thing looks like a bad concept from the 80’s.
The regular 1.5 Liter as well as the 13 Liter Hybrid will be available.
This is one car I hope we won’t be getting over here…
more bad car porn from Honda.
Horrible looking thing, no doubt to compete w the extended prius (Since if you remember the insight is going to be replaced by the fit hybrid)
Why so Hideous?
It has the Oddessy's "I built it myself from old trailer-home panels" look.
What a terrible looking afterthought.
Hey Vince, it is actually the wheels that are KILLING this thing.
Someone photoshopped this over on with some great looking wheels and it COMPLETELY transforms this thing.
I'll see if I can find a link for you.
Hold on…. Toyota and Honda must be in a race for who can design the most god awful, fugly piece of 80's sci-fi "B-movie" leftover wannabe piece of crap. Why can't Toyota and Honda design good looking cars anymore. The best looking for Toyota would have to be the Sienna and Honda the new Civic coupe. Sheesh!