BMW X1 VS.Brilliance A3
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At first I thought the new Chinese SUV could just be a rebadged X1.
Which could make some sense, since Brilliance is scheduled to manufacture the X1 for BMW in 2012. And they already build the 3 and 5 series for the Chinese market.
But no…
If you look at the 2 cars, the BMW being on top, they are quite different.
Look at where the door handles are, the space between the front wheel and the front door etc…
Not the same car…
Just a close copy, design and built with 0% shame involved…
Just slightly different examples of absolute ugliness.
bmw's are ugly, why copy?
I don't get how TPTB at BMW tolerate this, really… Even the colour is the same. WTF.
I hope the Chinese start copying Ferrari. I want a $20k F430.
The Chinese version looks better.
Kudos to Brilliance for making ugly uglier! I hear Toyota is looking for designers with this very special skill.
The chinese have no honor and no shame.
Why clone a lemon?I thought the Chinese would have more taste.
It is always the pinheads who bash the chinese for copying great cars…You are the only thinking man here…I to want a $20K chinese ferrari F430.
They both look like cheap Chinese knockoffs. Boo to each of them.
"Anonymous said…
It is always the pinheads who bash the chinese for copying great cars…You are the only thinking man here…I to want a $20K chinese ferrari F430.
March 30, 2011 6:11 PM"
You are an idiot.
A $20,000 Ferrari clone would perform like a 1990 Corolla and have the quality of a mid 80's Hyundai.
The Chinese can't build a proper vehicle yet, and I certainly don't want them here in the US.
It is hard to take cars seriously from a country with possibly the world's worst drivers.
Sick of the Chinese. Can't trust them. And now we owe them….big. I love the X3, though. And it's made in South Carolina, USA without the help of unions.
At least 10% of assembled products from China are defective right out of the box. 30% brakes within six months. They are fine at producing disposable crap. But a car is a completely different story.
both from countrys we k need to watch