All new New York Taxi
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With the Crown Victoria out of production, both Cabs and Cops are looking for something new.
The city of New York was looking at a few options before finally picking this Nissan .
It is based on the Nv 200 commercial van offered in other markets.
It will be powered by a small 2.0 Liter engine with about 130hp.
A far cry from the big Ford V8 engine New York cabbies have been used to for decades.
The Crown Victoria wasn’t much of a great car, but this just looks a bit strange.
Although I’m sure we’ll all get used to it.
A small Japanese van in the big American City.
Kind of a shame none of the US manufactures were able to provide anything.
This is the “regular” Nv200 commercial Van.
Ford did provide the Transit as their entry, and I can't believe that Bloomberg's team settled on this turd. Frankly, minivans are horrible taxis. There's no way that this will last the 250k miles that the typical NYC taxi has to go. The Siennas and Odyssey taxis that you'll occasionally see in NY develop rattles very early on because of the large sliding doors that never close properly. I'm sure Nissans are no better. Bloomberg had an opportunity to do something spectacular, and this is not it.
I hope Nissan makes this available to consumers as well. A small minivan with 3 actual rows would sell well here, especially with escalating gas prices. It's not bad looking either.
Big American city? Have you been to Japan? The cities there far outstrip American cities both in size and in crazy traffic antics. Therefore this Nissan should be fine but it will not control the NYC market (Sienna vs Vic taxi anyone?).
However, I feel that the Transit would be a better fit.
Big American city? Have you been to Japan? The cities there far outstrip American cities both in size and in crazy traffic antics. Therefore this Nissan should be fine but it will not control the NYC market (Sienna vs Vic taxi anyone?).
However, I feel that the Transit would be a better fit.
Big American city? Have you been to Japan? The cities there far outstrip American cities both in size and in crazy traffic antics. Therefore this Nissan should be fine but it will not control the NYC market (Sienna vs Vic taxi anyone?).
However, I feel that the Transit would be a better fit.
It is ashame that ford couldnt make a good enough product. The good thing about the taxis being small cars is that it's not as scary when they are barreling towards you
NY roads will surely test the Nissan's mettle. Some of the worse roads in the country. I always wondered why the higher the taxes the worse the roads?
I believe Ford tried to sell them on the Transit Connect. I'm guessing it was shot down because it is built in Turkey. The Nissan is being built in Mississippi.
Vince – the domestics DID trow there hat into the ring – and the Ford Transit Connect Taxi was actually one of three finalists – up against this and a Turkish entry.
I do agree that its a crying shame however that they didn't go domestic.
I assume the size, versatility and mpg is what won the day. (apprently these will get double the mileage of the Crown Vics – althogh I dont understand why they didint go with ahybrid model. I mean – they use NO GAS at all when driving under 25 mph. Doesnt make sense to use an ICE.
If Emperor Bloomberg wants it…Emperor Bloomberg gets it…
The Ford Transit Connect was in the running (and the favorite of the cab companies), but New York government made the choice to go with the Japanese vehicle.
Finally, North America is catching up to Europe. This is the "Perfect" cab. Why? It seats 5, It has a short turning circle, It is easy to park, It has cargo room, it sits up high, it is much more fuel efficient than a Crown Vic V8, it will have plenty of zip, it's clean, it's cute and best of all, with the world wide reputation of building bullet proof vehicles… knew this was coming….It's a Nissan!
what happend to the transit connect?
This is awesome and it's about time. Finally getting rid of those PAINFULLY inefficient V8's. Of course the reason cab companies bought those cars in the past was because they were relatively cheap. Retired cop cars purchased at auctions mostly. This Nissan cab will, initially, be more expensive, but it will use FAR LESS gas and will last longer. Hopefully the suspension, brakes and transmission can handle the everyday duties of driving in NYC, big potholes and all. And hopefully air quality improves a bit after they start using these vehicles.
Here is what I know, which isn't much but here goes. Nissan is a well rated car line, better than ford for sure. Nissans are used worldwide in many industrial and commercial applications. The London cabs use Nissan Diesel engines because they are bulletproof. Nissan Outboard motors are used by many fishing camps in northern Canada ( reliability) . I think this is a good move.
I wish they would make a passenger version of the NV and sell it in the US. Minivans have gotten so plush, I could use something a little more utilitarian that could transport my kids and I could use for work and carry a 4×8 sheet of plywood if I needed to. Something with an interior that is durable like the Honda Element. And how about a bench seat up front so that you can carry 3 if the back is full? Anyone else out there need something like this? This NV would be a good basis for it.
"Kind of a shame none of the US manufactures were able to provide anything"
Could not said it better myself and I'm a naturalized us citizen.
I almost want to believe a problem is somewhere else.
Vince, there is no shame at all in a NIssan being used as the NY city cab. Why? because Nissan is a global brand, meaning they employ a ton of amricans as well as people from all over the world. The whole planet is a global market. Ford, GM, Chrysler and the rest all build and sell cars all over the planet. The days are long gone that "Buy American" makes sense or holds any water. It just doesn't make sense. There are no such things as American Companies any more. Nor are there Japanese or chinese etc. They are global! When you make such statements you insult the hundreds of thousands of american employees that directly work for Nissan or with a nissan supplier. You must move forward and wake up. Look up the stats on how Nissan and other so called Japanese companies positively and strongly impact and contribute to North Americas Success. If all so called "foreign" companies left North America tomorrow, it would be financial ruin and devastation never experienced before. We all need these companies for our survival. It's 2011, wake up!
Love that NYC is modern now. Those old, ugly, unreliable Fords did not fit the NY image. Done!
Wow a fresh new approach for New York. I bet this will start a huge trend, not only in taxi cabs for North America , but in peoples overall perception of how large a vehicle is actually needed. Most people over buy, but this vehicle shows that a well engineered and designed vehicle can give you what you need in a much smaller and efficient overall package. Nissan has plans to make this Small Van available in 5 and 7 passenger form to North American buyers. I'm ready!
Very good looking, strong and angular. It looks like it has a ton of space inside. Why not bring it her in volumes. Imagine if you have 3 kids and a tight budget? This is your new Van. Good stuff Nissan. Thanks for showing us your take on a small Van. Looks good.
The backseat looks super spacious. I've never seen a mini van cab before here in CA. I also didn't know that all taxi drivers had to drive the same car (crown victoria?). I thought cab companies were independently owned and that cab companies could use whatever they wanted…
Nissans in NY, not a new idea I don't think. Nissan has sold cars here since the 60's I think. Looks good, great idea. Easy to park, turn, spacious….a winner!
I saw the front end and knew right away this was a Nissan. On a day when I was ironically searching Nissan's full-size commercial van (also called NV, which I saw on the street a few days ago) and learned of this as well.
Cab companies here in L.A. seem to have happily embraced smaller Asian cars before even a simple Charger or Impala. About all you see lately are hybrid Altimas, Camrys, and Priuses (Prii?).
Anyways, I'm glad the Crown Vic is dead. It's time for fleets to come into the 21st century. Bring on the new Caprice!
"A small Japanese van in the big American City.
Kind of a shame none of the US manufactures were able to provide anything."
This thing looks about the size of the Ford Transit Connect van, I wonder if that was in consideration.
No, it's kind of a shame a big American city decided to send all that money overseas. I wouldn't be caught dead in one of these monstrosities–and I would be, if the driver decides to run a red light in one of these. Shame on you, NYC!
Sometimes design can be fussy just to be fussy…. The small windows ahead of the doors have absolutely no functiontionaly or purpose. Look at how they appear when viewed from within the cabin. Why bother putting them?
The glass roof would be cool for sightseeing. Too bad the real thing will be stripped down.
All the elegance, quality, and "political correctness" of a Checker Marathon.
exciting, I'm surprised there aren't a ton of posts. Great Idea!
"Kind of a shame none of the US manufactures were able to provide anything."
This was part of a contest between three manufactures on who can build a better taxi cab set up by the city New York. Nissan was one of them, a Turkish automotive company was another, and the third contender was Ford (they suggested the Transit Connect). In other words, at least ONE U.S. manufacturer tried to offer something to the NYC.
NYC stopped buying crown vics several years ago they've been using altimas, jettas, escapes, and siennas as taxi fleet, and altimas and priuses in the police fleet in manhattan
love this vehicle, I sent in a ton of positive feedback. You sleeping Vince?
It's the Cube's Baby Daddy!!!
where r u vince ?????????????
Where is the pride in this Country anymore? Here we have an immediately, identifiable American icon (that's the NYC yellow cab) and it's a Nissan! What's next, the President will start riding around in Mercedes and BMW's. I'm not going to say that we should be anti-import, just saying when it comes to to things like this we should keep it American Branded.
"The Siennas and Odyssey taxis that you'll occasionally see in NY develop rattles very early on because of the large sliding doors that never close properly."
Siennas and Odysseys don't hold up nearly as well as the Chrysler minivans in our construction business, either. They just aren't built as strong as the Dodge or T&C.
"good thing about the taxis being small cars is that it's not as scary when they are barreling towards you"
LOL!!! -but they'll kill you just as dead if one hits you!
This is stupid. The Turkish car was way cooler, roomier, more handicap accessible, and was going to be built in Brooklyn (at least eventually). I was hoping that cab drivers would be more willing to come to Brooklyn if there was a factory that produced parts nearby. Damn.
If the taxi companies are privately owned, why don't they just buy what they want?
Dang… this car is Really ugly…
Perfect cab to grope or rape in :P… I dnt think they r safe enough…..
I wonder what Douchbag Jones thinks of this
"Siennas and Odysseys don't hold up nearly as well as the Chrysler minivans in our construction business, either. They just aren't built as strong as the Dodge or T&C."
All minivans wear out and rattle like a bucket of bolts very quickly as cabs. They just aren't rigid because of large sliding side openings and rear hatch. Chryslers too. I only mentioned the Odyssey and Sienna because Siennas are common taxis, and the Odyssey used to be. I've only been in maybe one Caravan taxi ever, and it was beat to hell just like any minivan.
"The Turkish car was way cooler, roomier, more handicap accessible, and was going to be built in Brooklyn (at least eventually)."
the turkish car wasnt chosen because they thought the plan was too ambitious. call me idealistic but isnt nyc the place for ambition??
Ford offered the Transit Connect