VW Beetle Turbo. Day four.
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I am still enjoying the Beetle very much every day.
I realized, and mentioned before, than all of the electrical problems I have had are due to a previously disconnected battery.
I have been using the regular D setting more today. And found out it’s just fine for when you just want to cruse around.
I then got about 25MPG in the city.
Using the more satisfying “fake manual” my average dropped to about 21.
More fun has a price, as usual…
I also enjoy the solid and well finished feel of the car. With subtle little details around the cabin.
And again, no chrome in sight.
I really like the retro looking 2nd glove box designed into the dashboard. A nice touch.
So far really, it just drives like a stylish 2 door version of the new Jetta.
Which is pretty much what it is.
In no, way, shape or form does this particular vehicle deserve a Four Part anything. I've driven it on several occasions now, and it's just not that special.
Write more about it!
I love to read your reviews even if the car is not perfect.
what the Fu@# Vince, is this the VW show? CAr is cheap, hard plastic surfaces, I bought one right away and traded it already, lost a ton. I hate VW's new plastic, cheap direction…..yuk!
"I bought one right away and traded it already, lost a ton."
I love this comment!
Dude, your problems don't have anything to do with VW.
He should invest in therapy more than cars.
what the Fu@# Vince, is this the VW show? CAr is cheap, hard plastic surfaces, I bought one right away and traded it already, lost a ton. I hate VW's new plastic, cheap direction…..yuk!
May 24, 2012 7:26 AM
Is your name Pinokio? You discovered all your hallucinations about this car after you bought it? Hahaha…you are such a retard….
I sat in one of these a couple weeks ago. In my opinion, VW updated it nicely. The interior is a marked improvement and considerably more premium and stylish than other cars within its price point. the new roofline helps make the car look less cute…. and that's a good thing. It's not going to sell as well as the last generation Beetle, but it will sell well.