All new Subaru Forester
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ghastly |ˈgastlē|adjective ( -lier , -liest )1 causing great horror or fear; frightful or macabre : she was overcome with horror at the ghastly spectacle.• informal objectionable; unpleasant : we had to wear ghastly old-fashioned dresses.2 extremely unwell : he always felt ghastly first thing in the morning.• deathly white or pallid : a ghastly pallor | [as submodifier ] he turned ghastly pale and rushed to the bathroom.
Actually Vince, I don't think it's too bad considering this is the first full design done by the grade 5 art student they hired.
Eee gad.
This is progress?
ROFL! Grade 5 art student = first full design done by parent Toyota! I see a lot of RAV4 in the doors and wheelwells.
A face only a mother could love.
Subaru was on a roll. Their cars didn't look so odd any more. Now this.
Is that the new Forester after an accident?
General MacArthur was right…Japan is a nation of 12 year olds.
it's a quarter of 7 in the morning here and you gave me a great laugh out loud moment. Vince! Agreed,this is a ghastly looking car. Those with long memories will consider this as "heritage" styling. Remember when Subarus, all their cars look like this or worse ! Subaru were bizarre even compared to the many very strangely styled Japanese cars of the time .
It lokks…ummm…Japanese.