2019 Ford Focus

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Here is the very first picture of the all new 2019 Ford Focus, without any camouflage at all.
( sent to me from Europe)

It does look quite nice. After almost 8 years of the current version, it should.
But at the same time, it doesn’t really look 8 years more modern… Or does it?

As mentioned earlier, Ford now claims they cannot make enough money selling the Focus in the US unless it is made in China. So this will be the first mass market import from China.

I know we are already getting the Buick Envision and a couple of Volvo sedans from there, but these are not imported in huge numbers.
The Focus is a different story. It is a big player in one of the largest markets in the US. (Honda sold over 277 000 Civics last year)
And I bet every other car makers is monitoring how it does. As it is just a matter of time until many other “US”cars come to us from China…

Conversation 8 comments

  1. Wow, what a disappointment! This looks less modern than the original 2000 Focus. There is nothing original or interesting about the design of this. It’s like they copied a Saturn (Opel)Astra or a Mazda 3 from 2 generations ago. Hope this is not a sign of what to expect from future Fords.

  2. It doesn't break any new styling ground, but neither did the 2015 F150 or Mustang, or the "box it came in" new Expedition. At least the fuel door is on the correct side of the car this time.

  3. The back of the current generation isn't aging well, but this DOES look Astra-ish. If only those Saturn dealers had realized that they were more than a decade ahead of the curve.

    It may be easier just to import from China then deal with a post-NAFTA world; most cars supply lines go over Mexican-Canadian borders several times. China is going to be the big winner in the non-trade pact, go it alone world.

  4. Check it out. The kick up over the rear wheels and the tail lights are dead ringers for the new Impreza's

  5. ….And we all thought that the 3rd gen was a piece of crap, just you wait!

    However they have been DEAD SILENT on the transmission. I assume the Powershift is out for obvious reasons. Seeing as Ford of Europe shows the Fiesta which specifically states "6-speed torque converter automatic" on page 9 of the Techcnical Specifications document, there's actually hope.

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