Tesla’s new colors: video…

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This is just a very short video showing the new Tesla colors in action.

The new Cherry Red looks really good in the video. Quite different from the red it replaces. But the Quicksilver grey just looks a lot like the old Silver Tesla used to offer. At least on the video. It might actually be a bit darker and richer looking, but it seems like a cross between the old silver and the standard grey currently offered around the world.

At over $3000, these are very expensive options. The new red is $1000 more than the one we have now. And currently, grey is a standard color. The Quicksilver is a huge full $3000 over that. And now, the only grey available in these markets.

I see an even bigger profit margin coming up for Tesla. I wonder when we’ll see a $3000 tan, brown or grey interior. Or $5000 wheel options.

Conversation 1 comment

  1. you aren’t wrong about that options idea. Musk had to do something for his cash-cow, since his stock started tumbling and never really recovered like others on the market.

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