Ford Thunderbird.

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Ford‘s future plans seem pretty murky these days. And no, a new Thunderbird is probably not part of their upcoming lineup.

They’ve had zero car offerings for a while in the US. With a current lineup filled with SUVs and trucks. Jim Farley recently said he wanted Ford to become “The Porsche of off-road”. Which basically means nothing.

Does that mean super fast off-road SUVS and trucks? Or just very expensive ones? Does that also mean Ford will now only produce off-road vehicles? Have they ever heard of Jeep? And how about these new smaller and cheaper EVs coming “soon”? Like a new compact SUV and pickup. How will these be Porsche-like”.

This is all ridiculous and misguided. It seems every 6 months Ford has a new direction for their future products. Last year they mentioned that everything would be either a Mustang or a Bronco.

Either way, that would leave very little room for a new luxury 2-seater convertible. Unless that becomes their new thing next year…

Ford also has a few plans for future EVs, and none of them seem to include a new Ford Thunderbird either.

Since that new smaller cheaper platform will turn a profit, why not build something fun on it? Like a 2-seater convertible, no one will buy. Another crack at a modern Thunderbird.

The original Thunderbird was built from late 1954 to 1997. The convertible body style was discontinued in 1967.

Later, in 2002, Ford came out with an all-new Thunderbird for the modern age with a really cool retro-futuristic design. And it was just like the original, a 2-seater convertible. That car was a big deal when it came out but sales dropped badly after the first year and it was discontinued in 2005. It was also way too expensive for a modern Ford and was only available with a thirsty V8.

I think a new Thunderbird based on Ford’s new EV platform would be a really cool way for Ford to embrace the future and a gutsy display for that new platform.

It couldn’t be a Bronco Thunderbird, but could it be a Mustang Thunderbird?

Conversation 20 comments

  1. Prediction: Farley will resurrect the Thunderbird. It will be an entry level electric CUV made in China

  2. I have been a FORD GUY all my life I have a muscle. Car1969 Mercury 2 Dr hardtop Maurade one owner me Ford exists in spite of mistakes year after year they have not had a great CEO since the guy they hired from Boeing Farley is a empty suit

  3. As long as the sporty convertible sits adults over six feet tall,with ample leg room! Runs on regular with a hybrid option and turbo charged!

  4. Fast low cars seem designed to slip beneath the rear end of semi- s and decapitate the occupants

    Seems like something from the 1950s -1970s when roads weren’t so crowded

    For kicks now, better to get a bike

  5. I am a loyal ford owner. My wife and I own 6 ford’s 02 ford thunderbird 08 ford mustang gt 14 f150 fx4 14 focus st 19 ford tarus limited. Love everyone of them . The new line up doesn’t in press me.

  6. I don’t even drive through dealerships to look at cars
    Most boring period of automobiles in history. All SUVs are in black, white, silver or gray. Most look like refrigerators or file cabinets on their side. I never say “What a pretty SUV”. Whenever I walk up to my 57 chevy, it still gets my heart pounding. It takes the same effort to design an ugly car as it is to design an attractive car. Taste and class went out years ago, and I don’t mean just to automobiles.

  7. I learned to drive on my mother’s 64 bird with a white leather interior and I had three times the dates that any other guy in my high school. Now if Ford would take much of the weight out of the Bird and gave it some gas mileage or made it an electric car I would stand in line for one.
    BUILD IT!!!!!!

  8. I wouldn’t mind having a new Thunderbird if it had some style to it. that was part of the problem the last one had. it looked like an elongated jellybean, ironically, with the proper tail lights. This would not have been a bad thing, except for the fact that it was heavy and underpowered by far. In short, a Thunderbird should have some thunder to it, and then worry about economizing, major overdrive turbocharging and intercooling streamlining top and bottom and relatively easy to work on. At that point, everyone would be happy. Add some decent brakes four wheel disk and then give it a multitude of colors. I don’t know about you, but I’m sick of earthtones. give it a hard top or a retractable hard top and wheels that don’t look like they came from pep Boys and a selection of a few different styles. Hello.

  9. I wouldn’t mind having a new Thunderbird if it had some style to it. that was part of the problem the last one had. it looked like an elongated jellybean, ironically, with the proper tail lights. This would not have been a bad thing, except for the fact that it was heavy and underpowered by far. In short, a Thunderbird should have some thunder to it, and then worry about economizing, major overdrive turbocharging and intercooling streamlining top and bottom and relatively easy to work on. At that point, everyone would be happy. Add some decent brakes four wheel disk and then give it a multitude of colors. I don’t know about you, but I’m sick of earthtones. give it a hard top or a retractable hard top and wheels that don’t look like they came from pep Boys and a selection of a few different styles. Hello.

  10. D Hartzog detail cars designer s are doing a fantastic job and look gorgeous when I’m finished working on them.

  11. I’m fortunate to own 2 of the coolest Ford products built.
    Fat fender 48 Ford F1 pickup ( orange )
    1969 Ford Mach1 Mustang ( 351 Cleveland)
    4 speed in Yellow) at 78 I’m good.Still 100% Ford guy!!

  12. Electric cars suck! Most people who bought one wish they hadn’t. They are heavy requires special tires that are costly and last only 10k miles. Range. Is limited to about. 300 miles and if you run out of electric no one can bring you a can of electric! You could NOT I’ve me one to drive! Only a fool would buy one!

  13. The US lets in overseas car maker bring their electric cars here. The market is going to be flooded with electric cars from other countries, meanwhile Ford is going backwards building gas guzzlers cars. They’re stuck in their own ways just like the movie For vs Ferrari. The new Edge looks nice, I think it’d be nicer if it was electric? Electric is the way forward not gas.

  14. I personally don’t know what the Hell is wrong with Ford. They think the general public wants EVs and they don’t! Then they kill their best seller, the Taraus. Not everyone wants or needs an SUV or a $70000 truck you can’t use as a truck. Fields must gave his head up his ass. Bring back the cars we loved.

  15. Thunderbird is not a cross country car. It’s a round town cruiser. This is perfect for an EV. Nothing accelerates as smoothly and quickly as an EV perfect for cruising.

  16. I’m 6′ 2” and 230 lbs. I would love to see a ford 2 seat thunderbird that would compete with the corvette with a gas engine that I could fit in comfortably.

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