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The japanese Maxima.

That will also end up in other markets. But not the US.

Conversation 9 comments

  1. Yeah, this is the Maxima on Ritalin. That is…if the US Maxima is ADHD prone…haha. No reason to have this….except it would pull more older people from Avalons….but a lot of those people never left their Cadillacs.

  2. this looks more like the rest of Nissan’s current lineup than the new Maxima, but maybe that’s what they want, change.

  3. this is exactly what i predicted our next gen. maxima would look like…. fat, bloated and boat like…… im very glad they changed things up a bit with ours…. i do however have to say that i like the interior of this better than our maxima, especially the steering wheel

  4. Ok, yes, this car is very geriatric, but at least it doesn’t have those pathetic hangnail headlamps that the new US Maxima will have.

    The funny thing is that the US Maxima would look alright if the headlights weren’t “trying” to look different.

  5. this car should have been exactly like the prototype. whats the point of bringing out the gorgeous daughter as a tease and then say, she’s not available, but her boring, plain sister is? every company does this. if you can make a gorgeous prototype, than you can make a gorge production car, no?

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