Lincoln Continental Convertible.

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With Ford apparently concentrating their future products on “Iconic” names like Bronco and Mustang, why not a new Lincoln Continental for their luxury brand?

Lincoln is trying hard to appeal to the Chinese market, where they already sell a sedan. But a larger one wouldn’t hurt, would it? Especially one that could be offered as the most iconic of all Lincolns, a Continental Convertible.

The Lincoln Continental started life back in 1940, as a 2 door coupe and convertible. However, the car we mostly remember as a “Continental” is the 4th generation sedan produced from 1961 to 1969. While much more boring 5th generation produced from 1969 to 1979 became one of the most popular cars in 1970’s TV shows.

The convertible model was available right away from the 1961 model year. It became even a bit larger in 1966 and a glass rear window was added. 1967 was the final year for the convertible model with only about 2300 of them sold that year.

I say its time for Lincoln to go nuts and offer something that might have zero market. The ultimate niche product in 2025 would be a luxury 4-door convertible sedan. And yet, something a bit more spectacular might just be what Lincoln needs. Something different from all these look-alike SUVs they currently offer.

The illustration above shows a design based more on the last generation Continental from a few years ago than the classic 4th generation. While something like this would fit right into Lincoln’s current design theme, an even more retro design could be quite spectacular.

And yes, there should be chrome…

Conversation 29 comments

  1. We drove several continentals and my Dad and Aunt drove Lincoln’s. The four air shocks on the continental made it a dream ride. It cost a grand each to replace if past warranty.

  2. Well, FIRST OF ALL, why in FUCK would ANYONE who’s had ANY past experience with the sheer pillowy-soft LUXURY of ANY Lincoln sedan….EVER want this vehicle as a CONVERTIBLE?! MOST Lincoln buyers DO NOT and DID NOT EVER want these cars to be “sporty,” nor ride like a Goddamned loud and bumpy Mercedes….or like ANY pickup truck EITHER, for that matter! I always bought my Lincolns for their QUIET, soft and serene ride and TOTAL ISOLATION from the road! Don’t tell us we don’t want this in a car….we DO. Otherwise, we’d be buying those ugly Mercedes and repair-prone, boxy Volvos!! PLEASE bring back TRUE AMERICAN LUXURY IN OUR CARS!! I also don’t want a Goddamned SUV, EITHER! Cadillac sedans ride like the aforementioned pickup trucks and WILL NOT last beyond the factory warrany–been there, done that, so NEVER AGAIN! I’m not some old “boomer,” either…I’m in my 40’s, and I know the difference between TODAY’S “luxury” cars vs. the American luxury cars of the past, and I, for one, WANT THEM BACK!

  3. My Dream Car was my Lincoln MKS. Please allow older drivers our comfortable and stylish cars. Everyone does not want foreign small cars. Thank you

  4. I agree bring back those Lincoln sedans. Have you lost your minds on just Lincoln SUV’s. Go back to your business plans and customer service 101 classes and get re-educated on luxury and confort!

  5. I’m a Lincoln Man , a better representative than the actor Matthew , and I was in total awe wehen I saw the convertible Lincoln…..How much ?

  6. I loved my town car. It was the best Lincoln ever made. I had Lincoln before my town car and after. I still have 2 Lincoln’s but they don’t touch my torn car

  7. You know… Senior Citizens and people of influence were mostly the buyers of the classic Land Yachts. We did’t give a damn about the gas milage it got or how fast it could go. They were opulent, roomy, and people notice the car when you arrived. I still own two 1979 Lincohn Continentals (door coupe & 4 door sedan). To this day wherever I go… people meet me at my car to compliment the luxurious automobiles they were then, and they are still to this day!
    I still have my ‘85 Seville and my Elderado.
    They were value for every dollar I spent on them too!!! What happened to this era ???
    The market never left you guys??? What a disappointment in Fords return of the Continental was a disgrace. And Cadillac… shame on you too!!! I am 71 years old and my thirty year old children are asking the same questions. And don ‘t use statistics on the mid age professionals of today didn’t want those old dinosaurs anymore… my kids still want to borrow Dad’s old cars when they go somewhere special.
    Not a single owner of a Rolls Royce or Bentley ever worried about its price or what kind of gas millage it got. They buy them for their elegance and status it shows when buying one. This thought process only increase the sales of our foreign competitors and left us totally out of what luxury cars once were in the United States.
    Shame on you 🤬

  8. Even if they only break even, Ford should offer a sexy Continental convertible for one simple reason… They need people to see something on the road that’s drop dead gorgeous so that people think about Lincoln. Most people under the age of 70 (or livery drivers looking for a relatively cheap SUV with a luxury badge,) don’t look at Lincoln when considering a premium vehicle. Certainly not when considering a true luxury vehicle.

  9. For 40 plus years I have driven a Lincoln town car and continentals I’m so unhappy with ford that the Chinese are getting my car and I am not it is a shame for a loyal customer of all those years to put up with this nonsense.
    Henry Ford is rolling over in his grave.
    What an embarrassment to the U S

  10. As a Lincoln owner, they need to give the people something with a lot of HORSEPOWER! Most luxury car brands have their get up and go line. And Lincoln is lagging in that department tremendously. Give the people a great looking and riding sedans, but to attract youthful buyers, drop them Coyotes, in that Navigator!

  11. As usual, an American Car Company, teasing American car buyers with beautiful car designs, that will never see the light of day. I always wonder, who are the people making decisions and who are the people they survey, that say they want a different type of luxury? Build it and they will come!

  12. Love the comments. LIsten up Ford, there are lots of us in the 40+ and 50+ crowd that don’t want cookie cutter crossovers, trucks and SUVs. Lots of us still love full size cars. I have driven everyting between late 60’s full size Buicks, Chrysler sedans, 70’s Lincolns, 80’s and 90’s Cadillacs and my current discontinued Taurus Limited. I rteally don’t want to buy a foreign car, but unless I buy a Mustang, I guess Ford isn’t interested in my money. This Lincoln drop top would be awesome. Sneak a solid V8 from a Mustang in for a few trim levels and put my name on the list.

  13. I’m the owner of 3 Lincoln’s, two Town Cars and a 77 Mark V. My parents left them to me tho the Mark V has been mine since the mid 80’s. A convertible luxury car is sought after by many and those folks are of all ages. Sedan’s of luxury minded people know that they will get the energy to make them move comfortable

  14. Got a 97 Town Car from Washington DC probably the best commanders car you’ll ever see love the convertible give me lottery numbers

  15. I’ve owned 4 Continentals, till they got so much smaller the comfort was unmatched, I’ll always have a spot for them

  16. Well, from a Lincoln Man and collector that cruises the roads in my neighborhood in a 1955 Lincoln Capri Convertible, I would relish the idea of a new Convertible. That would be an Iconic Automobile!

  17. I’ve owned several Town Cars, a Mark.VII and now I’m driving my favorite Lincoln of all, an MKS 3.5 Twin Turbo. The best of all worlds, comfortable, fast and trouble free. I just can’t bring myself to sell it because Ford stopped building the Continental! What’s a Lincoln sedan lover to do?

  18. I am in my 80’s and would love a Lincoln Continental Convertable. All older people are not too old to enjoy convertibles. Bring them back!

  19. I refuse to replace my 2011 MKS with 155k miles. It is roomy, comfortable, powerful, and even handles well for such a large car. I loved my Town Cars, wish I could find one.

    Lincoln stopped building these kind of cars because the listened to the California car snobs. The persuaded the manufacturers and public that we all wanted to go fast on the Nurburgring. Only the kids who can’t afford to buy a luxury car.

    Bring back a stylish full size sedan, you can then use that as a base to have a performance sedan if desired. And make sure it is RWD!

  20. I own a lincoln. Love it. I wouldn’t hurry to buy the convertible. I would fly at light speed to get one.

  21. I’m in the 80ties, a owner of 3 lincoln, a 1970 Continental Mark III, my 1st Lincoln, a 1997 Signature Town car, the last of the production line , a beauty and a 3rd generation Navigator, which I am driving daily. I owned all previous generations of Navigators. I am eyeing at a 2025 4th generation Navigator, but a Continental Convertable would be a dream to own!
    I hope that Lincoln Co makes it possible before I am to old to drive !

  22. Oh, to Lincoln, a 2006 town car and a 2017 Lincoln Continental I think Ford should continue making the Lincoln Continental American luxury at its best

  23. I have had 3 mark VII and 2 mark VI and a town car. My fav is the Mark VII LSC with the 5.0

  24. I own a 2017 Lincoln Continental Reserve
    In 2022 I lost the ability to use the Lincoln Way app due to the 3G modem issue – meaning 3G elimination
    They want more than $1500 to install a 4G modem
    Bull crap

    Another thing – the one touch window option has stopped working including a bounce back when the windows reach the fully closed position

    I have purchased more than $200 of new and used combined Ford/Lincoln vehicles of the last 17 years

    I will not be making that mistake again

    I can’t get anyone to respond to emails I have sent

    Thanks for giving me a chance to allow others to see how you care about your customers

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