2022 Mitsubishi Outlander: they blew it. Again…

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Just when I started to almost like the new 2022 Outlander, Mitsubishi let me down. Again.
I thought the pix I posted a couple of days ago weren’t that bad. 
But the real thing is actually horrible. Yes, I said it, horrible. Horrendous, abominable and nauseating.
There is really no excuse. It seems it took them so long to replace the current Outlander. And that’s all they came up with. They didn’t even have to work on a platform since it is based on the Rogue. Years and years for this.
Let’s start with that face. I mean really. Is it how you design a car now? When you’re 9 maybe. You keep adding stuff. More lines, more lights. More shiny stuff everywhere. Bigger. Bigger!!
The profile is actually OK. Weird. I guess another team worked on that part. 
The rear end is a blah mix of everything out there. Except for that face, the whole thing could be anything from anywhere. (Except earth)
Since it is based on the Rogue, of course the interior has a Nissan vibe to it. Shifter, screen, knobs. That all looks like Nissan stuff to me.
Except the whole thing looks like “bargain basement Nissan”. Not the real Nissan. Even with the stupid quilt pattern on the seats. (If I see this crap one more time I might explode)
I guess your choice is ether the vulgar looking quilt pattern, or the “weirdo zig-zag orange crap on black seats” stuff.
I bet (hope) the base cloth looks better…
Maybe the worst part is the fact they really blew the one chance they had to offered something different in a sea of same SUVs:The engine.
 They had been offering a plug-in Hybrid Outlander for years. I thought the new gen would at least improve on that. More EV miles? That would be cool. A compact Crossover with standard plug-in tech.
But NO!
They scrapped the whole thing  only offer the monster with Nissan’s good old 2.5 Liter /CVT combo. Which is maybe the weakest link of the new Rogue.
Are they that strapped for cash? Maybe they just want to see what happens if they spend the smallest amount of money in development ? See if it sells anyway.
Maybe there are enough suckers? (They still managed to sell around 19 000 inits of the Mirage last year).
Or maybe not. 
I kept the best part for the end: it starts at $125 MORE than the Rogue. 
After all this, you’d think they are trying to turn Mitsubishi into a bargain basement version of Nissan. 
The “99 Cents store of cars”. . 
Not even close. They are charging more! 
 I wonder who will buy Mitsu next… A Chinese company maybe? Too bad Malcom Briklin isn’t around anymore…

I dare you to stare at these 2 photos for 2 minutes each right before you go to sleep. Make sure these are the last thing you see before you close your eyes tonight.
I dare you…

Conversation 30 comments

  1. I really like the frontend. You can call it Masculine even-though the made up Cancel Culture movement would oppose the usage of the adjective.

  2. My god – call your therapist. I completely disagree and really like it. Reminder that design is subjective…

  3. Vince, I agree with everything you’ve said. The one thing going for it is how rare it will be on the road. Anyone who buys one will definitely have something quite original. Got those who want a Rouge that doesn’t look like one…..I guess. What’s most sickening is that what is pictured here will probably be pushing 40k.

  4. I'm sure they will sell "some". There are plenty of people with questionable taste around.
    But almost no one remembers Mitsubishi. Except us car nerds. Who actually walks into a Mitsubishi showroom these days? Nobody knows they are even around. It's like trying to sell a Plymouth.
    Unless they have something fantastic at a great price and advertise the hell out of it, they can't sell anything in decent numbers.

    This is their last straw. They just blew it. Idiots…

  5. Sorry Vince, gotta disagree. This thing looks quality which is something Mitsubishi has lacked for DECADES. It's unique and doesn't look like anything else, therefore I dig it.

  6. again, YOU think they just blew it. But you’re not the car psychic. Sorry it’s not another Hyundai or Kia, which can do no wrong in your world.

  7. the profile is the best shot of this car. the front end is overwrought while the rear end is completely generic. As if the 3 were designed by separate teams. The front looks like a funhouse mirror version of the Hyundai Palisade. The interiors are a step up from the bland Mitsubishi ones, at least these look like they belong in the 2020s vs 1990s.

    agree with Vince, HUGE miss on the hybrid! And cannot believe this is MORE expensive than the Rogue

    I miss the OLD Mitsubishi: Sapporo, Starion, Eclipse, Montero, 3000GT, etc. Great looking cars, good performance at (mostly) reasonable prices. Inoffensive designs vs what was produced from mid-90s to today

  8. Looks better than the possible 2022/23 Volvo XC-90. That "Thing" looks like 3 different groups worked on it. Grill, side and rear end groups. It's hideous.

    That Youtube link really shows this thing off. Of course it's a glamour shoot, but I kind of like it.

  9. While I also oppose that very busy front end design, I also can respect Mitsubishi's best effort in a decade. I do wish they would have went with a more competitive and appealing powertrain though. Pricing was critical however and needed to be lower than it's competition. If I were picking between this and the Rogue, I would buy the Rogue, unless I needed the added seating capacity the Outlander provides. Only if the decision had to be made between these 2 vehicles though. There are many competitor vehicles to both, I would much rather have.

  10. I don't think this will be a hit but just because there are not many Mitsu dealerships anymore. I don't like how it looks in pictures but truth is that most of the comments I've read in different pages are very positive so I believe I'm in the minority of people that thinks this looks ugly. I do like the interior, the best interior I have seen in any Mitsu cars in a very long time.

  11. Also – Mitsubishi has confirmed the current Outlander PHEV will continue to be sold and they are working on a new one, which will likely be here in a year or two.

  12. Quite odd that this has many Hyundai/Kia styling features that you find attractive on their cars but somehow absolutely grotesque on this Mitsubishi? It's almost as if only Hyundai gets a pass for trying something unique in terms of design. I think it is busy but it is a huge improvement over its predecessor.

  13. Vince, I've read your blog for more than 15 years and it's the first site I check for car news. My favorite part is how you write as if we're standing next to the car and I'm just listening to your thoughts about how it's designed. Your style is not grammatically perfect and that's why I appreciate it; it's a stream-of-consciousness, 'thinking out loud' description and it reads as authentic and honest.

  14. So true about the Palissade. Although, at least, they use some "satin" finish and not the super cheap/chiny stuff.
    And somehow, I cannot believe it but its true, they sold more Palissades than Tellurides last year (???)

    To TM: Thanks a lot for understanding the site!

  15. Yeah, Vince I don't agree with you here.

    This thing is such an improvement over the outgoing model they really can't even be compared. I think it looks great inside and out, so much so that I can't see a reason to get the Rogue especially once you consider the 10 year warranty that Mitsu offers.

  16. I think it looks great and very modern. Never really rated Mitsubishi before but would buy one of these.

  17. vince sorry to say but you should reconsider before giving such horrendous and false statements against such a beautiful thing,almost nearly 99 percent of people on the globe likes such a beautiful looking suv,but its only u who disliked

  18. In Vince's defense, i will say i really enjoy reading your automotive review/blog. Have been for many years. Still do. And it's okay to disagree on some things you write about. Not a personal attack, just different opinions, differents tastes on some things…that is all.
    – So i will say i kinda like this new OutlanderRogue. Looks bit more butchy-masculine, more suv old school trucky. The big ass square front headlight design may look great in person, we see i guess.
    – I like the new interior photo shots.
    – What i may not like is if Nissan Outlander only comes with the nissan 2.5L WITH 181hp and cvt ONLY. It may be much improved engine and cvt tranny in the new Rogue, but sadly, i will guess Nissanbishi dropped the 3.0L V6 from the Outroguerlander. that was a good little V6 motor with near 230hp.
    – I'm a broke chimp anyways. No moola to buy a new vehicle….but i would like a used Outlander from the years 2014 to 2017. A GT/AWD/V6. They still fairly pricey for a nice used good condition one for sale with reasonable mileage. I have friends and neigbors who own Outlanders and Outlander Sports, they like them and are very reliable and great compact awd suvs.

  19. The Ugliest SUV of all time. Please Mitsubishi, remember when you designed the Eclipse? That was a beautiful vehicle. This Outlander, however, is so god awful ugly, I can't even look at it for longer than 10 seconds, it totally racks my brain at how somebody approved this ugly ass design. LMAO. What an effing waste!

  20. It looks absolutely disgusting. The earlier Outlander was beautiful, it was slim and nice. Wtf is this monstrosity???????

  21. Totally agree! Looks like it was designed by a schoolboy. Bloated and incoherent and even worse in the flesh. I first saw one 10 minutes ago and googled “why is the outlander so ugly”..and thats how I arrived here!

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