2011 VW Touareg

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I remember seeing a picture of the current Touareg and thought it already looked old.
I just hope this new one will look better. Almost anything will do…

One of these cars that was designed before the collapse of the market and higher gas prices.
So I don’t think it’ll be as popular as the current model has been.
The predicted Hybrid version might help….

But I really think the market is changing and basically going in another direction.

Click on the title for the whole story and more pictures.

Conversation 4 comments

  1. FOUR VWs have been lemoned where I work including TWO Touaregs.

    I'd stay away from this one, it will undoubtedly be a nightmare. Check the VW forums if you don't believe me.

  2. The person posting on August 18th at 6:02am isn't kidding.

    My parents had one for two years and by the time they sold it is was practically a new car. Almost everything electronic had been replaced at least once.

    It was a terrible car.

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