Mustang girls

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In honor of the all new Mustang, I’ve decided to share with you these ads for the 1971 model. I love that fastback design…

The good old guys at Ford weren’t shy about using that “if you drive this, the girls will come” idea…

And yes, again, the car drove off road to the beach!!!

Or the “stripe girl will love my stripe car” idea…

Even when the ad is geared toward women with a less sporty, macho version of the Mustang (the “secretary car”), the girls still has to be almost naked…

This is the best. Look at this guy!!!

They’ve got to find him for the 2005 ads!!!

Conversation 4 comments

  1. Great stuff! They used footage from Bullitt for a commercial, why not get that last guy back!

    I’m considering getting an 05′ convertible since I may be moving to SoCal from Jersey!

    — Johnny Jersey

  2. I din’t see the Bullitt comercial! That sounds great!!!

    I’ll cover the autoshow 1st week of January, so I’ll post stuff on the convertible.

  3. This is my favorite musclecar era Mustang. Nowadays it seems new cars only sell to women.

  4. The 3rd video on this site is the cornfield commercial. Basically they stuck Steve McQueen in the new mustang. Now, I’m not really a fan of this sort of thing, but it’s not as tacky as Fred Astair with a hoover vacuum!

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