Chrysler Halcyon concept.

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Those of us expecting a realistic preview of Chrysler‘s first EV coming out next year are pretty disappointed today. I know I am.

Yes, the Halcyon concept looks pretty stunning, from some angles. But it also feels like something we’ve seen before. It does look like a blend of many new EVs, especially from China, we are currently seeing. Although the Halcyon is more modern and a bit more futuristic, it is a concept and will be seriously toned down for production. The strong profile line going around the whole car looks great, but will it still be there next year? The doors are very gimmicky and almost old these days. And the interior is just a pure concept that will probably have no connection with the production model. Except for the usual center screen.

No, the Honda/Sony Afeela concept isn’t as good-looking as the new Chrysler Concept. But I wonder if the production version will end up looking a bit like the very generic Afeela, which would be very sad.

With only about a year away from the production model, I was really hoping for something more realistic.

The Airfow concept they showed us in 2022 looked like a production car. Although it would have looked pretty old and bland by next year. The Kia EV6 always looked much more modern than the Airflow.

Chrysler did the right thing by coming up with something else. However the new concept is so unrealistic for a car that is expected next year, it is really hard to see that new design direction. And again, let’s hope it doesn’t end up looking like one of the many Chinese EV sedans that are introduced every week…

At least, we know the first Chrysler EV won’t be an SUV…

Conversation 5 comments

  1. The soon-to-be released Dodge Daytona (whatever it ends up being called) looks a lot like the concept. The RAM Rev electric pickup seems to look exactly like the concept. So it isn’t far fetched for a Stellantis production model to look a lot like the concept it is based on, but this Chrysler Halcyon looks just too far out there to possibly reach production without some major changes. I can only assume that the Halcyon and the Daytona share a lot of components since they are both low slung, but probably fairly large cars. Interesting to see what becomes of this design.

  2. I really dont know what all the complaining about the Airflow concept was about. It would look perfectly modern and in keeping with current updated vehicles if it debuted in 2025 as a MY2026 vehicle. Compare it to a Tesla design… looks just as modern. Cancelling the Airflow was another big Stellantis mistake. This new Halcyon concept actually looks LESS modern if you put them side by side – more like a retro styled vehicle. Personally, I think this is more of the Euro group trying to kill off Chrysler as a brand. They didn’t bother to update the 300, even in styling. And have left Chrysler with exactly ONE vehicle to sell for the next two years minimum. But they are pushing a ton of money to resurrect Lancia. WTF! If THAT isn’t intentional sabotage, then its pure incompetence. They should have stuck to the Airflow concept, given it a recognized name and an ICE or hybrid powertrain, and had it start production this year.

  3. I agree with SEH; any production Chrysler vehicle probably will be a version of the new Daytona. It’s not too hard to imagine it. The Daytona and the Halcyon both have the “air blade” front and fastback profile. Slightly different sheet metal, a blacked-out greenhouse (perhaps with a window in the C-pillar), and different tail lights could make for a realistic Halcyon. The interior won’t have the far-out seats but a simpler dash board with a fold-away tablet in the center could be easy to do.

    I usually scorn renders, but a realistic render of a “Halcyonized” Daytona would be interesting to see.

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