BMW Skytop Concept.

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Well, that’s a nice-looking BMW. In a world filled with ghastly BMW designs, this is quite refreshing.

The concept could apparently be based on the BMW 8 series. Meaning it could be a preview of a new generation BMW 8 series coupe and convertible. Although at first it also looks a lot like a future BMW Z4.

Neither Z4 or 8 series are big sellers, and far from it. Only 1881 units of the Z4 were sold in the US last year and around 5700 of the 8 series. I guess the profit margin on the 8 series is so big it might be worth coming up with a new one.

Either way, the Skytop concept shows BMW can still come up with great-looking car designs. Let’s just hope the people involved in this found a job on the next 3 series or anything planned at BMW in the future…

Conversation 1 comment

  1. Looks sweet but doesn’t fit the new BMW design language they are using for the next 3. Would they use different looks for coupes?

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