2025 Cadillac Escalade.

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It is quite something to compare the real world to the world of fantasy Cadillac illustrations I’ve been posting lately.

In the real world, the ghastly Escalade is Cadillac‘s best-selling model. A huge truck-based SUV that has been doing better and better at hiding its Chevrolet Tahoe roots over the years.

Today we get to see the mid-cycle refresh of the current generation that came out for the 2021 model year. Outside the usual small changes to the front and rear ends are here. But the main event is inside, where they decided the Escalade IQ‘s interior was so great it absolutely needed to be shoved into the regular Escalade. Which is too bad. As I really think the current Escalade interior is quite fantastic and impressive. And dare I say, tasteful.

This pillar-to-pillar festival of screens is just too much. However, I am quite amazed to see how Cadillac was able to actually use what looks like the exact same dashboard on these two, unrelated models. Since the Escalade is based on the Tahoe and Escalade IQ is built on the Ultium platform.

Let’s just hope that the interior setup doesn’t spread to other new Cadillac models as the current wide curved screen used in other Cadillacs look great…

Conversation 5 comments

  1. Vince – I completely agree with you about the screen overkill. It looks gimmicky and in a few years will be considered a bad momento of the the current period. And what’s up with that grotesque front? With a few notable exceptions, these are not good times for automotive design.

  2. Unfortunately, having a full dash of screens is what is expected in luxury vehicles now so this is Cadillac staying on trend for this update. Porsche, Audi, Mercedes, and even Lincoln are all doing this. Not to mention all of the Chinese luxury EV automakers.

  3. Damned if you do, damned if you don’t. Every “influencer” reviewer will talk bad about the Escalade if it didn’t have those gaudy wall to wall screens. I agree with everyone else that the old floating screen that was also used in the Lyric looked gorgeous and wasn’t tacky. But if Cadillac doesn’t follow the market, they could be seem as falling behind the times. Sad state of the world we live in where tech-overload is required to stay relevant even if it isn’t wanted by most real consumers.

  4. If you’re the kind of person who wants a ghastly Escalade, then you want the ghastly screen.

    Because it’s awesome.

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