Tesla Model 2.

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I know I thought the same thing: Model 2???

And yet, these are supposedly patent mages showing an upcoming smaller Tesla Model. One that doesn’t look at all like what we’ve seen so far of the upcoming CyberCab. Since the CyberCab looks like it will only have 2 doors. And this does look like a smaller Model 3-type design.

it would seem way too early for an all-new Model 3 generation since the Tesla sedan just got a new front/rear end design and a new interior a few months ago.

The last time we heard of a smaller Tesla model called the Model 2 (or anything else), it was a few months ago when Reuters claimed to have heard from inside sources that Elon Musk had canceled the whole thing back in February 2024. The reason given was supposedly to focus on the upcoming Cyber Cab. Which uses the same new platform.

Previously, the small Tesla, code name “Redwood” or “Project Mario”, was scheduled to enter production in June 2025.

Soon after the Reuters claim, Elon Musk said they were lying. Without being specific about what Reuters was lying about.

I think a smaller cheaper Tesla would have been a no-brainer. Especially in overseas markets where smaller cars are much more popular than in North America. A sub-$30,000 Tesla was eagerly expected by millions around the world before the Reuter’s announcement. If the Model Y could become Europe’s best-selling car, just imagine what a smaller and much cheaper model could do.

But that was last year. The Model 3 is now having a hard time staying in the top 10 best-seller list in Europe. And in North America, Elon is trying his best to ruin the brand and its image. Even gutting the fantastic charger network by firing the whole department.

Instead, he is focusing on the CyberCab, a vehicle requiring perfect self-driving technology. Something Tesla doesn’t have yet.

Good luck…

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