2025 Tesla Model Y.

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While we saw a prototype caught in California a few weeks ago, these new photos of an updated Tesla Model Y appear to have been taken in China. Where the car is expected to make its first appearance. Just like the 2024 Model 3 did.

There is quite a bit of camouflage, even though its design changes are expected to remain pretty limited. Again, matching the 2024 Model 3. With a new bumper and headlights up front. And redesigned the rear end and tail lights. Its interior is also expected to be similar to the current Model 3.

We are talking here about the best-selling car in the world in 2023. And these small changes might not be enough. Crazy Elon Musk mentioned earlier this year that cheaper new models are coming next year. From the photos above, it looks like they might have made a steel roof standard on the revised Model Y. This could be a lazy way to make the Model Y a bit cheaper, without spending any cash on anything really new.

This is, more than ever, Tesla’s main focus right now. Saving cash. So I don’t expect anything really new for this Model Y. It will be the current car with the recent Model 3 updates. Which again will not be enough to turn things around.

Sales of the revised Model 3 are down, not up. The same thing will probably happen to the Model Y. Current owners will have almost no reason to update. And people who didn’t buy one before will not have enough reasons to do so now.

The worst part is Elon’s far-right political stand that is already alienating the vast majority of Tesla buyers. You just cannot have such a moronic leader at the top of your company for that long and expect good results.

The dopey billionaire is obviously bored with Tesla and needs a new toy to play with.

Conversation 4 comments

  1. I understand why people were such Tesla fans – in the early days. But its clear that is not the same company anymore. Too many problems caused by an erratic CEO.

  2. This article … Was it written by a bot? Have you not seen that teslas out perform ever other electric vehicle in every way possible. Vey

  3. Far right political stance… Moronic leader… So hes not the far left luvvie you all believed he was…

  4. so weird that you seem to be regurgitating the government-media talking points, please enlighten us, what part of Elon’s political stance is “far right” ? “Crazy Elon Musk” ?

    this guy and his vision created a whole new market for electric vehicles, everyone is copying Tesla. His focus is on reducing their costs through manufacturing and economies of scale improvements… not trendy new design features.

    In many ways similar to the Ford Model-T, over its manufacturing lifespan, Ford was able to drastically reduce the cost and price to the consumer, making car ownership a reality for more people… similar stuff happening at Tesla today

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